Monday, 18 March 2013

Welcome to our army!

Welcome To The Garlic Panda Blog!
Here we will feature videos, photos and post our feelings about the vampire sloths that will soon attack our base camp at Garlic Panda Inc...

Us "Garlic Pandas", if you choose to join our army and become a follower, are an epic mix between pandas and garlic, even though no one likes garlic, that is how be came to be. As garlic pandas we are fighting against the evil vampire sloths, whom threaten our environment and home, there for making us fight back. If you have read through this you are probably interested, so, join our army, follow our blog and subscribe on youtube where we will be posting blog videos and videos of us in war with vampire sloths, thriving through wilderness  or just telling you something VERY EPIC, so join now!

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